Egyptians deny the assault on the beach.

Egyptians deny the assault on the beach.

May 26, 2009

Dubai: Two Egyptian men were acquitted yesterday in the Dubai Criminal Court of sexually assaulting an Uzbek woman on the beach, insulting her, stealing a football, and poisoning her in public places. M.A., 25, and M., their lawyer Nasser Hashem requested yesterday that the court adjourn the session to prepare their defense.

S.B. told the public prosecutors in her written statement that she was on the beach with her American husband and her Uzbek friend when the defendants approached her and asked if they could play football. S.B. said, “Both of them were carrying bottles of alcoholic beverages, and I was scared, so I gave them the football because they seemed drunk.” “They came back after three minutes and asked my friend if she would drink with them.

“When I told them that she is Muslim and does not drink, they threw the contents of the bottles at us.” S.B. said she warned the men that her husband was close to them and told them she would call the police, but the men said they were not afraid of the police and insulted her and her friend. She said that while her friend was calling the police, M. touched her.

S.B. said she was able to find out the apartment where the two men lived by asking the building security guard who saw them colliding with them. She informed the police, and the men were arrested. The case was adjourned until June 11.

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